The Benefit Of Sensory Play For Children


The best kind of learning happens when all senses are engaged for children.  Sight, smell, taste, touch and auditory senses can be stimulated using creative play that helps children to progress developmentally through active learning.

From the moment they are born, children begin to explore the world through sensory perception.  But just because they are registering this data, doesn’t mean they understand what it all means or how to process it.   Often we find children struggle with learning how to interpret what they see, smell, taste or touch every day, which is why training them to express through sensory play is so important to their development.  It is practice for living in a high input world, and it gives them tools to understand what they are experiencing every day.

Sensory Engineering in Playground Design

It might surprise you to know that every piece of commercial playground equipment is designed with active learning in mind.  From the size of the equipment, to the types of physical obstacles and challenges presented and the muscle groups used by children as they run, crawl, climb and slide.

The sense of sight is stimulated by bright colors and a variance in colors.  Have you ever wondered why quality commercial playground bundles are brightly colored or textured?  These engineered product specifications are designed specifically to draw children and to elevate their mood or excitement, encouraging them to explore and use the playground equipment.

The sense of touch is stimulated by the textures of playground equipment, as well as the use of different materials, sizes and shapes.  In some playground equipment designs, the sense of sound is encouraged through musical play. We haven’t considered a frame or equipment that tastes or smells appealing to kids. But we thought about it.

The Benefits of Sensory Learning

As children learn they are eager to explore and share their findings with others.  This enhances their language and social skills at play.  Have you ever measured the noise at a busy playground?  That’s because as they learn, they articulate and this is a key component to their healthy social development.

Fine motor skills are improved as children engage in active play.  As they climb, slide, crawl, run and swing they are learning about their bodies and how to improve coordination, balance, visual perception and acuity.  Their sense of sight is improved as they participate in dynamic play.  And having spent that energy processing, most children are calm afterward.  The energy is spent learning and having fun, which makes designing commercial playground equipment so rewarding.

Browse our collection of quality bundled playgrounds, independent play and athletic equipment and learn more about our commitment to active learning (and fun) at APC Play™.